Out of Soil is a project by Myriel Milicevic and Susanne Jaschko / prozessagenten.
Thank you:
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung for inviting the project to the International Week of Justice in April 2015.
Vandana Shiva for inviting us to Dehradun and to Bhoomi Maati Ma - the Festival of Living Soil in New Delhi.
ifa - Institut fuer Auslandsbeziehungen e. V. for funding the project in India.
Mathias Mrowka and the print studio of Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin for great patience and
knowledge in the printing process.
Maike Mai, technical assistant at the Dept. of Soil Science, TU Berlin for help grinding the soil into fine particles.
Gerd Wessolek and Alexandra Toland from the Dept. of Soil Protection, TU Berlin, Jennifer Schulz, as well as Amy Green from IASS for support on questions about soil and society.
Michael Ebert, Paul Griffiths and Nike Arnold for fantastic hands-on help.